
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Away for holiday

Yipee... the day that i waiting for so long is coming... Krabi krabi here i come...
Mom called jz now.. worried.. i calm her say nothing one lar.. mai kia..
pray to ti kong... po pi wa peng peng an an...

the feeling now is so so different..... submit letter then holiday.. feel syiok hoh but....worry juga lar.. wish me luck okay...

Passport checked..
$$$ checked...
flight schedule checked...
luggage settle...
Cab confirm...

hmm hmm anything else i left ?? should be all important stuff all bring lar...

be right back next monday... stay tune for my new photo and some story ok?..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011





Friday, March 25, 2011
















Thursday, March 24, 2011


不想冲咖啡喝..喝多不好...该怎么办呢? 人家说不要吃这样饱..但我还是一样啊....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How attractive r u?

Try it out and see how attractive you can be to the opposite sex.*

1. Which place do u want to have a travel most?
A. Beijing............................................go to q.2
B. Tokyo ..............................................go to q.3
C. Paris ...............................................go to q.4 

2. Have you ever cried when u see a touching movie?
A. Yes......................................go to q.4
B. No.......................................go to q.3 

3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend still has not come after an hour of your
date with him/her, what will you do?
A. wait for another 30 mins.................go to q.4
B. leave immediately........................go to q.5
C. wait until he/she comes..................go to q.6 

4. Do u like to go to see a movie alone?
A. Yes......................................go to q.5
B. No.......................................go to q.6 

5. When he/she asks for a kiss in your first date, what will you do?
A. Refuse...................................go to q.6
B. light kiss on his/her forehand...........go to q.7
C. Agree and kiss him/her...................go to q.8 

6. Are you a humorous person?
A. I think I am.............................go to q.7
B. I think I am not.........................go to q.8 

7. Do you think you are a capable leader?
A. Yes......................................go to q.9
B. No.......................................go to q.10 

8. Which gender will you choose to be born if you are given a chance?
A. Male.....................................go to q.9
B. Female...................................go to q.10
C. I don't mind.............................*Type D (go straight to
results below)*

9. Have you ever got more than one boyfriends or girlfriends at a time
A.Yes......................................*Type B (go straight to
results below)*
B. No.......................................*Type A (go straight to
results below)*

10. Do you think you are intelligent?
A. Yes......................................*Type B (go straight to
results below)*
B. No.......................................*Type C (go straight to
results below)*

*Type A* : Congratulations! You can extremely attract the opposite sex!
You possess a charming beauty in the eyes of them. You not only have a
pretty figure,but also have a humorous and gentle personality. You
should be a literate person and know how to get along with people and
can allocate your time well,
thus you are always popular among the opposite sex.

*Type B* : Quite good! You can easily attract the opposite sex, but you
will not easily into the loving trap. Your humor makes them want to get
along with you. He/She will be happy being with you!

*Type C* : Not bad! You cannot attract the opposite sex very well, but
you still have something good which make them like to get along with you.
You should be an honest person and have a unique view in seeing things.
You are quite friendly in the eyes of your friends.

*Type D* : Oh! You do not attract the opposite sex.
You do not have much knowledge, and not much intrinsic humane values.
You are too rude to the opposite sex. Thus you are not very popular among

Phishing- Scam email

Recently, i had received the similar email for 2 times already..but i know that my Maybank account is kosong  so it is impossible to have any abnormal transaction that others can make..and i also never got any CIMB online transaction...haha

Such emails are being sent in order to gain access to your Internet Banking password, this can then be used to access your bank accounts.. it may be not only May bank but may be others bank as well...
so please be alert that don't simply click it..
As i know bank will never ask us to verify any information via email 

How to ensure your information & transaction is secure

1. try not to do any bank transactions especially not in your own pc especially cybercafe

2. If you need to do it, please  make sure you clear the personal information by click on the 
Tool --> Internet Options --> Contents -->Personal Information --> Auto Complete --> uncheck “user names and passwords on forms” --> click “clear password” --> click OK twice.

3. Remember to sign out whenever you finish doing your online transaction. 

So.. be smart , don't simply click on the link that you feel suspicious!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011



1) 该问对方有没空attend才派??
2) 先派了再像对方confirm有没空attend?

因有些人说有诚意的话就direct派不需问...但有些人说不问的话有不好..好像贪他红包这样...所以怎样才算最完美呢?? 你们觉得呢??

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For all PC users

Read from one of my fwd email;For those who spend long hours at our desks, looking at the computer screen, to share it with you . 20-20-20

Step I :-After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.

Step II :-Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.

Step III :-Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.Circulate among your friends if you care for them and their eyes. They say that your eyes r mirror of your soul, so do take care of them, they are priceless... ...

Otherwise our eye would be like this.....

Friday, March 11, 2011

Steamboat Test

I'm type C.. what bout you??

What kind of season will you enjoy eating steamboat? 
        A. Winter ( To Qn 2) 
        B. Summer (To Qn 5) 
        C. No matter what season (To Qn 1) 
  1. Do you like to have some sauce on your food? 
        A. Like (To Qn 2) 
       B. Don't like (To Qn 5) 
     2. Will you add eggs in your steamboat soup? 
         A. Yes (To Qn 3) 
        B. No (To Qn 6) 
    3. If you find a cigaratte butt in ur steamboat food,  what will you do? 
        A. Quarrel with the boss and request another new one. (To Qn 13) 
         B. Stop eating and just pay and go. (To Qn 10) 
4. What is the main point ypu will consider for choosing a steamboat restaurant? 
          A. Famous ( To Qn 7) 
          B. Reasonable prices ( To Qn 8) 
5. If the steamboat restaurant has a new product of steamboat, will you dare to try? 
          A. Yes ( To Qn 6) 
          B. No ( To Qn 8) 
6. How many people do you like to have your steamboat meal with? 
         A. 2-3 soulmates ( To Qn 9) 
         B. A big group of friends ( To Qn 3) 
    7. If the steamboat restaurant is very crowded, will you wait for a seat or go to another place? 
        A. Wait ( To Qn 11) 
        B. Proceed to another one ( To Qn 12) 
8. What kind of food you like to add? 
          A. Noodle ( To Qn 9) 
          B. Vermicilli "Tang hoon" ( To Qn 7) 
9. Will you drink the soup first or finish all the ingredients in the bowl then drink the soup? 
          A. Drink the soup first ( To Qn 10) 
          B. Eat the ingredients first ( To Qn 12) 
    10. If the boss tells you that you must add some SPECIAL and ODD ingredient in the soup to make it more delicious, will you dare to add? 
          A. Yes ( To Qn 17) 
          B. No ( To Qn 13) 
    11. Will you drink a cup of cooling water after you finish this steamy hot meal? 
        A. Yes ( To Qn 15) 
          B. No ( To Qn 14) 
12. When you are having your steamboat, do you put in your meat first or put in later? 
          A. Put it once the steamboat start ( To Qn 15) 
          B. Later part then put ( To Qn 11) 
    13. Do you like to put all types of food at one go into the steamboat or have it put in one type by one type? 
          A. All ( To Qn 17) 
          B. One type at a time ( To Qn 16) 
14. What drink will you like to go with your meal? 
        A. Oolong Tea ( To Qn 16) 
          B. Plum juice ( Type A) 
15. Do you like to have steamboat at home or outside? 
        A. Home ( To Qn 16) 
         B. Outside ( To Qn 14) 
16. Will you mind if another customer is standing behind you, waiting for you while you are finishing your food? 
         A. Mind ( Type B) 
         B. Don't mind ( Type C) 
    17. You are already very full with your meal but the boss offer to let you have another steamboat meal, will you eat it? 
          A. Yes (Type D) 
        B. No ( To Qn 16) 
Shy, a bit of an introvert. You are more stubborn and like to stay alone quietly at home. To you, talking to strangers is a hard thing so you have not much friends. But you will still have some soulmates. You need to treasure people who care and love you. You are more interested in your own matters, you will try your very best to achieve your target. But you can't do everything alone, and just depend on yourself, learn to open up and accept other opinions. Try to get along with different people. 
You are a more active person, drawing a clear line between happiness and unhappiness. You are more quick-tempered. If you encounter things you like, you will do it without second thought. But once you encounter things that you hate, you will wish to get out of it as soon as possible. As you are a person of your own views, the friends you tend to have will be of the same pattern. But once good friends, you will understand them a lot and go all the way to help then. Friends are very dependent on you. As you are too emotional, you may make a storm out of a teacup with your friends. You must learn to do things in order and not give up easily. You can try making friends with those you don't think you can get along with, don't stick with the same category. This will make you more popular and charming. 
Gentle like a lamb. You have a high level of adaptance power, easy to get along with people. Very popular in social life but seems that no one will talk bad about you. You hate to have conflicts with people so you 
always try to adapt to everyone. You treat every person differently. To look at the bright side, you adapt easily. But to look at the dark side, you lack of character, although you are one big nice guy but you lack of charm. On the surface, you have a lot of friends but once you have troubles, you lack of soulmates to help you around. You must try to express yourself more and be more decisive. In this way, you can understand yourself more. 
You are stubborn, like to go in circles and don't get to the point. Once you decide on something, no one can change your mind. You are a good leader in a group so you win a lot of trust from your friends. But as you 
are too persistant on your own thinking, you neglect other people's suggestions therefore you can easily make enemies. Although it is good to maintain your own character but it doesn't mean you totally ignore other people's thoughts and feelings. You will let people think you are hard to handle and you will lose friends gradually and may end up alone. You need to learn to accept other people's opinion. This will make your social circle bigger and you will understand yourself better. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011



一看..我的不懂什么管肿了又塞了..要针灸..还要推拿....推到一半...还拔罐.. 痛到想飙泪 了一些推拿,针灸喝拔罐的用意..还要再倒回去几轮..想到就怕怕




Sunday, March 6, 2011


不是发高烧..而是肚子涨.涨得很厉害...又要吐...昨天还泻肚..再加上aunty visit.. waa.. 很辛苦..那肚还一直隐隐做痛...最怕我肚子涨风...一涨就会好几天都不会好..看了两次医生但还是没好转...该怎么办呢?人很不舒服...又没人在身边...hmm hmmm...

Friday, March 4, 2011